Monday, June 27, 2016

toki pi kasi sike *177*

meli Naja li jan pi ma kasi Amason. ona li kute e toki ni: mun li olin e meli la
ona li ante e meli ni tawa mun. mije utala mute li olin e meli Naja. taso ona li wile e olin mun taso.
tenpo pimeja la ona li lukin pi olin suli e mun. mun li tawa la ona li tawa sama. suno kin li kama sin la ona li tawa mun kepeken wawa ona ali. tenpo pimeja ale la ona li awen sama. sijelo pi meli Naja li kama ike tan ni. taso ona li pini ala olin e mun.
ni li kama: ona li kama wawa ala li lape lon poka telo. sitelen mun li kama lon telo. meli Naja li sewi li lukin e sitelen ni li pilin e ni: mun li kama tawa ona! tan ni la ona li tawa telo. taso pini ni la ona li ken ala lukin e sitelen. ona li moli lon telo.
mun li pilin ike tan moli pi meli Naja. mun li pana e pona tawa ona li ante e ona tawa mun. taso mun ni li ante tan mun pi lon sewi. ona li lon telo li kasi sike li jo e kasi kule pi kon pona. kasi kule ni li open lon tenpo pi kama mun taso.

toki ni li tan toki kulupu Pasila.
Tp: jan Antonio Lucas Arau'jo Moreiro
kepeken jan Gilberto Caracciolo Morelli

jan Kipo
jan Aleksei Tikhanov


Kaliputra said...

'ma kasi' “plant land” jungle (in this case. Generally garden, field) [idiom]
'mije utala' “war males” warriors [idiom]
'tenpo pimeja' “dark time” night [idiom]
'kasi sike; “round plant” water lily [nonce]
'kasi kule' “colored plant” flower [idiom]

Kaliputra said...

Naja was a woman in the Amazon jungle. She had heard the story that, when the moon loved a woman, he changed her into a moon. Many warriors love Naja, but she wanted only the moon's love. 
At night she looked at the moon with great love. When the moon moved, she moves the same way. When the mere sun arose again, she followed the moon with all her strength. Every night she kept on in the same way. Naja's body sickened from this. But she didn't stop loving the moon.
It happened that she became weak and fell asleep on the edge of the water. An image of the moon appeared in the water. Naja got up and saw the image and thought that the moon had come for her. But in the end, she couldn't see the image. She was dead in the water.
The moon felt bad about the death of Naja. The moon granted her a boon and changed her into a moon. But this moon is different from the moon in the sky. This moon is in the water and is a water lily and has a flower with a pleasant odor. This flower opens only at the rising of the moon.