Monday, September 12, 2016

toki pi kama lon, nanpa wan, pi tan lipu Pipija. *174*

open la sewi Elokin li pali e sewi e ma la:
ma li pakala li jo e ala;
pimeja li awen lon sinpin anpa;
kon sewi li tawa lon sinpin telo.
sewi Elokin li toki e nimi 'o suno li lon'.
suno li lon.
sewi Elokin li lukin e ni: suno li pona.
sewi Elokin li tu e suno en pimeja.
ona li nimi 'tenpo suno' e suno.
ona li nimi 'tenpo pimeja' e pimeja,
pimeja li kama. 
suno li kama.
ni li tenpo suno nanpa wan. 

sewi Elokin li toki e nimi ‘o suli li lon insa telo li tu e telo’. 
sewi Elokin li lon e suli. ona li tu e telo pi lon anpa suli tan telo pi lon sewi suli. 
ni li kama.
sewi Elokin li nimi 'sewi' e suli.
pimeja li kama. 
suno li kama. 
ni li tenpo suno nanpa tu.

sewi Elokin li toki e nimi ‘o telo pi lon anpa sewi li kulupu lon wan. o ma pi telo ala li kama lukin.’ 
ni li kama.
sewi Elokin li nimi ‘ma’ e ma pi telo ala li nimi 'telo suli' e kulupu telo. 
sewi Elokin li lukin e ni: ni li pona.
sewi Elokin li toki e nimi ‘o ma li pana e kasi suwi e kasi ni lon ma: kasi li pana e kiwen unpa. kasi suli li pana e kili pi kiwen unpa insa, pi kulupu sama.” 
ma li pana e kasi suwi e kasi pi pana pi kiwen unpa pi kulupu sama e kasi suli pi pana pi kili pi kiwen unpa insa, pi kulupu sama. 
sewi Elokin li lukin e ni: ni li pona.
pimeja li kama. 
suno li kama. 
ni li tenpo suno nanpa tu wan.

sewi Elokin li toki e ni: 'o ijo suno li lon suli sewi tawa ni: ona li tu e tenpo suno en tenpo pimeja; ona li sitelen pi wan pi tenpo sike, en pi tenpo suno en pi tenpo sike. - ona li tawa suno ma' 
ni li kama.
sewi Elokin li pali e ijo suno suli tu. ijo pi suli mute li tawa lawa pi tenpo suno. ijo suno suli lili en mun lili li tawa lawa pi tenpo pimeja. sewi Elokin li lon suli sewi e suno ni tawa ni: ona li suno e ma li lawa e tenpo suno e tenpo pimeja li tu e suno en pimeja. 
sewi Elokin li lukin e ni: ni li pona.
pimeja li kama. 
suno li kama. 
ni li tenpo suno nanpa tu tu.

sewi Elokin li toki e nimi ‘o telo li jo ali e ijo lon pi kulupu suli. o waso li tawa kon lon sinpin pi suli sewi.’ 
ijo lon li tawa lon sinpin sama li kulupu mute lon telo. sewi Elokin li pali e monsuta suli e ijo lon ali ni e waso pi luka kon., tawa kulupu ona. 
sewi Elokin li lukin e ni: ni li pona
sewi Elokin li toki e pona tawa ona ali e nimi ‘o pana e mute li mute li kama jo ali e telo suli. o waso li mute lon ma’
pimeja li kama. 
suno li kama. 
ni li tenpo suno nanpa luka.

sewi Elokin li toki e nimi ‘o ma li pana e ijo lon tawa kulupu ona e mani e akesi e soweli ma, tawa kulupu ona.’ 
ni li kama.
sewi Elokin li pali e soweli ma tawa kulupu ona e mani tawa kulupu ona e akesi ma ali tawa kulupu ona. 
sewi Elokin li lukin e ni: ni li pona.
sewi Elokin l toki e nimi ‘mi o pali e jan sama sitelen sama tawa sama mi. o ona li lawa e kala pi telo suli e waso pi suli sewi e mani e ma ali e akesi ali pi tawa pi lon sinpin ona pi lon ma.’ 
sewi Elokin li pali e jan sama sitelen sama. lon sama pi sewi Elokin la ona li pali e ona. ona li pali e mije e meli . 
sewi Elokin li toki e pona tawa ona li toki e nimi ‘o pana e mute li mute li kama jo ali e ma li anpa e ma li lawa e kala pi telo suli e waso pi suli sewi e ijo lon ali pi tawa pi lon sinpin pi lon ma.’
sewi Elokin li toki e nimi ‘o lukin! tawa sina la mi pana e kasi ali pi pana pi kiwen unpa pi lon sinpin ma e kasi suli ali pi kili pi kiwen unpa, tawa moku e soweli ma ali e waso ali pi suli sewi e akesi ma ali pi kon lon e kasi laso ali tawa moku.’ 
ni li kama.
sewi Elokin li lukin e pali sama ali li lukin e ni: ona li pona mute.
pimeja li kama. 
suno li kama. 
ni li tenpo suno luka wan.

suli sewi en ma en ijo pi lon ona li pini. tenpo suno nanpa luka tu kama la sewi Elokin li pini e pali ona li pini pali lon tenpo nanpa luka tu kama. sewi Elokin li toki e pona tawa tenpo suno nanpa luka tu li sewi e ona tan ni: tenpo suno ni la ona li pini e pali nasin ona ali.

tp: jan Barzel
jan dennis liehappo
jan Oli
jan Pilo
jan Sami
jan Jona
jan Mali
jan Kipo 

tenpo suno “day” (bright time) (also for 24 hour day) [idiom]
tenpo pimeja “night” (dark time) [idiom]

When, in the beginning, God was making the heavens and the earth,
earth was chaotic and empty;
darkness was on the face of the deep;
the spirit of God was on the face of the water.
God said “May light exist”
Light existed.
God saw that light was good.
God separated light and darkness.
He called light “day”
He called darkness “night”
Darkness came.
Light came.
That was day one.

God said “Let there be an expanse inside the water and divide the water.” 
God created the expanse. It divided the water below the expanse from the water above the expanse. 
This happened.
God called the expanse “sky”
Darkness came. 
Light came. 
That was the second day.

God said “Let the water below the sky come together in one place. Let dry ground appear.” 
This happened. 
God called the dry ground “earth” and the collected water “sea”
God saw that this was good.
God said “Let earth yield tender plants and these plants: Plants yield seed. Trees yield fruit with seeds inside of their own type.” 
The earth yielded tender plants and plant that dispersed seeds of their own kind and trees that bore fruit with seeds inside of their own kind. 
God saw that this was good. 
Darkness came. 
Light came. 
This was the third day.

God said “Let there we a light in the sky to separate the day from the night, to mark seasons and days and years and to lighten the world” 
This happened.
God made two great lights. The greater light was to rule the day. The lesser light and the stars were to rule the night. God placed these lights in the sky to light the world and rule day and night and separate light from darkness.
God saw that this was good.
Darkness came. 
Light came. T
his was the fourth day.

God said “Let the water be filled with living creatures in swarms. Let birds fly on the face of the sky.” 
There are living creatures that crawl and that collect a lot in water. God made great monsters and these creatures and birds with wings according to their kind. 
God saw that this was good.
God blessed them and said “Give birth to many and multiply and fill the seas. May the birds multiply on the earth.”
Darkness came. 
Light came. 
This was the fifth day.

God said “May the earth bring forth living things according to their kind and domestic animals and crawling animals and beasts of the earth, each according to their kind.” 
This happened. 
God made the beasts according to their kind and the domestic animals according to their kind and the crawling things according to their kind. 
God saw that this was good. 
God said “Let me make humans like my image according to my likeness. May they rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and all the flocks of the earth and the crawling things on the earth.” 
God made man like his image. In a similarity to God he made him. He made male and female. God blessed them and said “Bring forth many and multiply and fill the earth and subdue the land and rule over the fish of the esea and the birds of the sky and everything that crawls on the earth.” God said “Look! To you I give all the plants that sow seed on the face of the earth and all the trees with seed-bering frut to eat, and all the beasts and all the birds of the sky and all the crawling thins that have the breath of life and all green plants, to eat.” 
This happened. 
God looked at all his works and saw that they were very good.
Darkness came. 
Light came. 
This was the sixth say.

Sky and earth and the things in them were finished. Before the seventh day, God finished his work and stopped working before the seventh day. God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because on that day he finished all his planned work.


Damon Lord said...
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Damon Lord said...

Just wondering where "Elokin" comes from? I'm unfamiliar with the original Hebrew of the text, but I presume it's a TPisation of the original Hebrew name for God? Thanks

Kaliputra said...

'Elokin' is tpization of "Elohim", which is the word for "God" here, though not exactly a name ( it s a plural form of a generic word for gods). As such, it is strictly redundant here with 'sewi', but is used 1) to distinguish the "God" sense of 'sewi' from the "heaven" sense in the same verse, and 2) to set parallels for later verses where ther is a name for God given, tp 'Jawe'.

Damon Lord said...


Damon Lord said...
