Sunday, September 11, 2016

jan Moli en jan kasi *175*

jan Moli e jan kasi

tenpo wan la, jan kasi li lon ma kasi pi jan lawa. ona li lukin e jan Moli pi lon noka pi kasi suli la ona li pilin ike tan monsuta. ona li tawa wawa jan lawa. ona li toki e ni:
“jan lawa o! jan lawa o! jan lawa o pana e pona ni, tawa mi: mi tawa weka tan jan Moli-! oko mi li lukin e jan ike pimeja Moli pi lon noka pi kasi suli! ona li tawa utala mi! jan lawa o pana e tomo tawa, tawa mi. mi jan kasi sina. tan ni la o pali e ni! mi wile e tomo tawa taso. kepeken ni la mi tawa weka, tan ma ni.”
jan lawa li kute e ni la ona li toki e ni:
“jan kasi o! toki sina li pona. mi jan lawa. tan ni la mi pana e tomo tawa, tawa sina. o tawa sina li sona e pona mute e pakala ala.”
ona li toki e ni la jan lawa li pana e pona, tawa jan kasi. tenpo kama lili la jan kasi li kama jo e tomo tawa pi pona mute, tan jan pali pi jan lawa. tenpo ni la jan kasi li tawa weka ma ante.
tenpo ni la jan lawa li wile lukin e jan Moli. ona li tawa ma kasi la ona li lukin e jan Moli pi lon noka pi kasi suli. (kin la ona li lukin e moli sin pi kasi suli.) jan lawa li toki e ni. tawa jan Moli:
“jan Moli o! jan pi pimeja mute o! jan pi lawa sewi o! sina wawa mute. taso mi wawa lili. mi jan lili sina li jan pali sina, li jan anpa sina. mi anpa, lon sina. jan Moli o toki e tawa pi lon sina, tawa mi. mi kute e ni la mi tawa weka.”
jan Moli li pilin pona, tan toki pi jan lawa. tan ni la ona li toki e ni:
“tawa mi li ike ala. mi sona ala e ni: jan kasi sina li lon ni- la mi lon ma ni. tenpo pini la mi pilin e ni: tenpo suno ni la mi moli e jan kasi sina lon ma pi weka pi tan ma ni. taso ona li lon ma ni. mi tawa utala ala ona. mi wile toki taso, tawa ona. taso tenpo ni la ona li weka tan tomo sina. tenpo ni la mi ken moli e ona lon ma pi weka pi tan ma ni.”
jan Moli li toki e ni la ona li tawa weka*, tan jan lawa.
ali li moli. tenpo ali la jan Moli li awen. tenpo pi mute lili la ni li kama: jan li wile weka tan moli la jan li pali e moli ona.

toki pona Samuel Ahmed
kepeken jan Kipo
jan Mali
jan Gilberto Caracciolo Morelli

'jan kasi' “plant person” gardener [idiom]
'ma kasi' “plant land” garden [idiom]
'jan lawa' “head person” king, ruler, leader, etc. [idiom]
'kasi suli' “big plant” tree [idiom]
'pilin ike' “bad feeling” feel bad (ill, angry, or, in this case, afraid) [idiom]
'tawa utala' "move aggressively" threaten [nonce]
'pana e pona (tawa)' “send a good (to)” help [idiom]
'kama weka (tan)' “become distant (from)” get away (from)/ escape [idiom]
'tomo tawa' “moving structure” vehicle (now, usually a car) [idiom]
'jan pali' “doing person” workman, servant [idiom]
'pilin pona' “good feeling” feel good, pleased, etc. [idiom]
'tenpo pi mute lili' “a few time” occasionally [idiom]

Once upon a time, there was a gardener in the king's garden. When he saw Death at the foot of a tree, he was afraid. He ran to the king and said this:
“Oh, king! Oh, king! Oh, king! Help me to get away from Death. I saw the evil dark Death at the foot of a tree. He threatened me. O king, give me a vehicle. I am your gardener. So, do this. I need only a vehicle. Using it, I will go away from this country."
When he heard this, the king said:
“Gardener, your speech is good. I am the king. So, I give you a vehicle. May your trip mean much good and not disaster.”
When he said this, the king helped the gardener. In a little while, the gardener got a very good vehicle from the king's workmen. Then the gardener went away to a different country.
At that time, the king wanted to see Death. When he went to the garden, he saw Death at the foot of a tree. (Moreover, he saw the recent death of the tree.) The king said this to Death:
“Oh, Death! Oh, person of great darkness! Oh, person of divine law! You are very mighty. But I am very weak. I am your child and your servant and your conquest. I bow down to you. Oh Death, tell me your reason for being here. When I hear this, I will go away.”
Death was pleased by the king's speech, so he said this:
“My purpose is not evil. Before I knew that your gardener was here, I was in this country. Before that, I thought that I would kill your gardener today in a country far away from here. But he was here. I did not make a threatening approach to him. I just wanted to talk to him. But now he is far from your home. I can kill him in a country far from this one.”
When Death said this, he went away from the king.
Everything dies. All the time, Death continues. Occasionally, if a man wants to escape from death, he makes his own death.

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