Saturday, February 4, 2017

jan Kikamesi li utala e jan Kunwawa *168*

jan Kikamesi li utala e jan Kunwawa
[jan Kikamesi li jan lawa pi ma tomo Uluku. jan Enkitu li kama tan ma
nena. jan Enkitu li jan pona pi jan Kikamesi. ona li jan sama. ona li
wawa mute.]

wile wawa 
jan Enkitu li toki ala. ona li pilin ike li pana e telo oko. jan Kikamesi
li lukin e ona li toki e ni: "jan sama o, sina pilin ike tan seme?". jan
Enkitu li open e uta ona li toki e ni: "luka mi li kama wawa ala. wawa mi
li kama lili". jan Kikamesi li toki tawa ona li toki e ni: "o tawa! mi tu
o tawa nena pi kasi suli. nena ni li weka tan ma ni. ona li lon nasin
pi anpa suno. kasi suli mute li lon ma ni. palisa pi kasi ni li sewi li
kiwen. kasi suli sama li lon ala ma mi. taso jan Kunwawa li lon nena pi
kasi suli. jan li kama tawa kasi suli ni li wile pakala e ona li wile
kama jo e ona la jan Kunwawa li utala e ona li moli e ona. jan Kunwawa li
ike li wawa mute. mi wile e ni: jan ike li lon ala ma. o tawa sewi nena!
sina en mi li utala e ona, li anpa e ona, li moli e ona.”

wile pi nimi suli 
jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan sama o, sewi li wile e ni: jan Kunwawa
li lon ma kasi ni. sewi Enli li wile e ni: jan Kunwawa li moli e jan.
soweli li tawa lon ma kasi la jan Kunwawa li ken kute e kalama lili weka.
jan seme li ken kama lon ma kasi ni? kalama uta pi jan Kuwawa li sama
kalama pi telo suli wawa. uta ona li sama seli. kon pi uta ona li sama
moli. sina wile utala e jan ni tan seme? mi tu li wawa sama ala jan ni.
mi ken ala anpa e ona".
jan Kikamesi li toki tawa jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan pona mi o, jan
seme li ken tawa sewi pi kon sewi? sewi taso li moli ala. tenpo suno
mute pi jan ma li kama pini. jan li moli. jan li pali e ijo. taso ijo ali
ni li sama kon. tenpo ni la sina pilin ike tan ni: sina ken moli. wawa
sina li lon seme? pona. mi lawa e sina. tenpo moli mi li kama la sina
toki e ni tawa mi: o tawa, o pilin ike ala!. jan ike ni li anpa e mi li
moli e mi la jan mute li toki e ni: ‘jan Kikamesi li utala e jan wawa
Kunwawa li kama anpa li kama moli.’ tenpo kama la jan lili mi li toki e
ni: ‘jan Kikamesi li utala e jan wawa Kunwawa’. tenpo mute kama la jan li
toki e ni: ‘jan Kikamesi li utala e jan wawa Kunwawa lon nena pi kasi suli
li kama moli lon utala ni’. nimi mi li kama suli”.

kulupu pi jan sona 

jan Kikamesi en jan Enkitu li tawa supa pi ma tomo. jan lawa Kikamesi li 
toki e ni: "jan ali o kute! mi wile tawa jan wawa Kunwawa li moli e 
ona. jan li jo ala e mama li jo ala e meli la mi wile e ni: jan ni tawa 
poka mi". jan mute li kulupu poka ona. 
jan Kikamesi en jan Enkitu li tawa jan pali pi ilo utala. ona li pali e ilo suli pi kasi suli e ilo palisa utala suli li pana e ilo ni tawa ona tu. 
jan Kikamesi li kama lon kulupu pi jan sona pi ma tomo Uluku li toki e ni: "mi wile tawa jan Kunwawa li utala e ona li moli e ona. nimi mi 
li kama suli. nimi pi jan tan ma tomo Uluku li kama suli". 
jan sona li toki tawa jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: "jan lawa o! sina wile utala e jan ike ni tan seme? pilin sina li suli li wawa sama pilin pi jan lili. taso 
sona sina li suli ala. jan Kunwawa li ike lukin li wawa mute. kalama uta 
pi jan Kuwawa li sama kalama pi telo suli wawa. uta ona li sama seli. kon pi uta ona li sama moli. sina ken ala anpa e ona. wile sina li pona ala". 
jan Kikamesi li toki tawa jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan pona mi o! jan ni 
li toki taso e nimi 'Kunwawa' la ona li pilin ike kin". ona li toki e ni: 
"jan sona pi ma tomo Uluku o! mi jan lawa. jan Enkitu li tawa poka mi. 
ona li kama tan ma nena li suli li wawa. mi tu li ken anpa e jan wawa 
Kunwawa lon nena pi kasi suli". 
jan sona li toki tawa jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: "o tawa! o sewi sina 
li pana e pona tawa sina!". 

sewi Utu 
jan Kikamesi li tawa tomo pi sewi Utu. ona li moli e soweli lili li
sewi e noka ona. ona li toki e ni: "sewi Utu o! mi wile tawa jan
Kunwawa li utala e ona. mi wile e ni: nimi mi li kama suli. sina sona li
pona. o pana e pona tawa mi! o kama e ni: mi anpa e jan wawa ni li awen e sijelo pona li tawa sin ma tomo Uluku". taso sewi li toki ala.
jan Kikamesi li pana e telo oko. ona li toki e ni: "sewi Utu o! mi
moli e jan Kunwawa la mi toki mute e ijo pi pona sina li pali e sitelen  kiwen sina?. telo oko pi jan Kikamesi li pona tawa sewi Utu. ona li toki
tawa jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: "jan Kikamesi o pilin pona. mi lawa e kon
tawa. mi jo e kon tawa seli. mi jo e kon tawa lete. mi jo e kon tawa
telo. mi jo e kon tawa pi ko kiwen lili. mi jo e kon tawa pi tan ma lete. mi
jo e kon tawa pi tan ma seli. o tawa nena pi kasi suli! o utala e ike".
sewi Utu li kulupu e kon tawa mute lon insa pi lupa pi nena kiwen.

sewi Ninsun 
jan Kikamesi li toki tawa jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan pona o kama poka
mi. o tawa tomo suli pi mama sewi mi". jan Kikamesi li lawa e jan Enkitu
tawa tomo pi sewi Ninsun. ona li kama lon insa tomo li toki e ni:
"mama o, mi wile tawa jan Kunwawa ike li moli e ona. o toki pona e ijo mi tawa sewi Utu!". 
sewi Ninsun li telo e sijelo ona li len e len pi pona lukin. ona li lon anpa lawa ona e linja sike. sewi Ninsun li tawa tomo sewi pi sewi Utu li sewi e luka li toki e ni: "sewi Utu o! sina li pilin ike tawa ike ali. jan lili mi li wile anpa e ike. jan Kikamesi li wile anpa e jan wawa Kunwawa. o pana e pona tawa jan lili mi".
sewi Ninsun li toki tawa jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "sina jan pona pi
jan Kikamesi. sina jan sama pi jan lili mi. jan Enkitu o, sina jan lili
mi". ona li toki e nimi ni: "jan lili mi o tawa poka jan Kikamesi! o pana
e pona tawa ona. o utala e ike ali poka ona". sewi Ninsun li toki e
nimi pona wawa li pana e linja sike pi anpa lawa tawa jan Enkitu.

nasin tawa pi ma pi kasi suli
 ona li kama tawa. jan Kikamesi li lawa. ona li jo e ilo suli pi kasi suli e ilo utala palisa suli. jan Enkitu li tawa lon monsi pi jan Kikamesi.
ona kin li jo e ilo pi kasi suli e ilo utala palisa. kulupu pi jan mute
li tawa lon monsi jan Enkitu li jo e ilo pi kasi suli. ona li tawa nasin pi
tawa nena pi kasi suli. tenpo suno la ona li tawa. ona li tawa weka mute tan ma tomo Uluku. tenpo pimeja li kama la ona li pali e lupa pi telo pona. tenpo suno sin la ona li weka e telo pona lili tawa sewi Utu. sewi li lukin e ona li pilin pona. tenpo suno sin la ona li tawa nasin pi nena pi kasi suli li tawa weka pi mute mute tan ma tomo. tenpo pimeja sin la ona li pali e lupa pi telo pona li weka e telo pona lili tawa sewi.

lape pi jan Kikamesi 
ona li kama lon nena suli pi loje walo. jan Kikamesi li pana e ko pan pona tawa ma li toki e ni: "nena o pana e lape pona tawa mi!". 
tenpo pimeja li kama. jan Kikamesi en jan Enkitu li anpa. ona tu li pilin e luka pi jan sama li lape. 
jan Kikamesi li pini wawa e lape ona li toki e ni: “jan Enkitu o, sina toki ala toki tawa mi? sina pilin ala pilin e mi? lape mi li pini tan seme? mi lape li lukin e ni: mi utala e soweli wawa. ona li tawa wawa e noka ona li tawa e ko kiwen. tan ni la kon li pimeja. luka mi li wawa ala. mi ken ala anpa e ona. jan ante li tawa mi li pana e telo tawa mi. ona li pona".
jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan pona mi o, lukin lape sina li pona. jan
Kunwawa li nasa lukin li wawa lukin. taso ona li sama ala soweli wawa ni. soweli wawa pi lape sina li sewi Utu. tenpo utala la ona li pana e
pona tawa mi tu. mama sina kin li pana e telo tawa sina. ona li jan lawa Lukapanta”.

ma pi kasi suli 
tenpo suno li kama. ona li tawa sewi nena li kama lon poka pi ma pi kasi
suli. ona li awen li toki ala. ona lukin taso e kasi suli mute. ona li
lukin e ni: kasi suli li sewi mute. nasin pona li lon insa pi ma pi kasi
suli. tenpo mute la jan Kunwawa li tawa lon nasin ni. noka ona li pali e
nasin ni. seli suno li ken ala kama tawa insa pi ma kasi tan ni: kasi ni
li suli mute. pimeja ni li lete li pona.
ona li tawa lon insa pi ma pi kasi suli. jan Kikamesi li lukin li toki e ni:
"ni li kasi suli pona". ona li kama jo e ilo li anpa e kasi suli. jan
Enkitu li weka e palisa tan kasi suli ni.

wawa sewi 
jan Kunwawa li kute e kalama li pilin ike wawa. ona li toki wawa e ni:
"jan seme li kama lon ma mi li pakala e kasi suli mi?". jan Kunwawa li pana e wawa sewi tawa kalama ni. wawa sewi ni li sama kon li sama suno.  ona li tawa sama ilo moli linja. jan Kikamesi li kama anpa li lape. jan Enkitu li lape. jan ante pi tan ma tomo Uluku li lape sama soweli pona lili.
jan Enkitu li pini e lape. kalama ala li lon. ona li pilin e jan Kikamesi
kepeken luka ona. jan Kikamesi li tawa ala. jan Enkitu li toki wawa e ni:
"jan Kikamesi o! jan sama o! tenpo pi suli seme la sina li lape kin?".
jan Enkitu li tawa wawa e ona li toki wawa tawa ona.
jan Kikamesi li open e oko ona li tawa sewi. ona li toki e ni: "ike a!
jan ni li jan ma anu jan sewi?". jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan Kunwawa li
wawa mute. jan pona o tawa ala jan ni! mi mute o tawa weka tan ma ni. o tawa ma tomo Uluku". jan Kikamesi li toki tawa jan Enkitu li toki e ni:
"mi wile lukin e jan ni, li utala e ona. o pilin pona. jan tu li ken ala
moli. sina en mi li ken anpa e ona”.

utala li kama 
sewiUtu li toki tawa jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: "o awen ala! jan
Kunwawa li len e wawa sewi wan taso. ona li jo e wawa sewi mute lon tomo ona. sina awen la ona li ken len e wawa sewi ali. o tawa!".
ona tu li tawa wawa tomo pi jan Kunwawa. jan Kunwawa li tawa ona. jan
Kikamesi li toki wawa e ni: "mi jan Kikamesi li jan lawa pi ma tomo
Uluku! jan Kunwawa ike o kama moli!". ona li wile utala e jan Kunwawa
kepeken ilo utala palisa. jan Enkitu kin li kama tawa utala poka ona.
taso ona li ken ala utala e ona. jan Kunwawa li tawa wawa weka tan nasin pi ilo utala. kalama uta ona li sama kalama pi telo suli wawa. uta ona li sama seli. ona li utala la ma li pakala. nena suli li tawa. kon li kama pimeja. jan Kikamesi li pilin ike li pana e telo oko. ona li toki e ni:
"a! ona li wawa mute. mi ken anpa ala e ona. sewi Utu o! o pana e
pona tawa mi!”.

kon tawa mute 
sewi Utu li kute e toki pi jan Kikamesi. ona li weka e kon tawa mute
tan insa pi lupa pi nena kiwen. kon tawa seli li utala e jan Kunwawa. kon
tawa lete li utala e ona. kon tawa telo li utala e jan Kunwawa. kon tawa
pi ko kiwen lili li utala e ona. kon tawa pi tan ma lete li utala e jan
Kunwawa. kon tawa pi tan ma seli li utala e ona. kon tawa mute li utala e jan Kunwawa. ona li ken ala tawa. tenpo ni la jan Kikamesi en jan Enkitu li ken tawa ona li ken utala e ona kepeken ilo utala ona.
jan Kunwawa li awen. sinpin pi lawa ona li kama pona lukin. ona li toki e
ni: "jan Kikamesi o kute e mi! jan lawa wawa o moli ala e mi! mi sona ala
e mama mi. nena suli li mama mi. sewiAn li wile e ni: jan li wile
pakala e kasi suli ni la mi utala e ona li moli e ona. o pilin ike ala
tawa mi! mi wile e ni: sina jan lawa mi. mi anpa e kasi suli mi li pana e
ona mute tawa sina. o moli ala e mi. o weka e mi”.

moli pi jan Kunwawa 
jan Kikemesi li pini pilin e ike tawa jan Kunwawa. ona li toki tawa jan
Enkitu li toki e ni: "jan li kama jo e waso lili la jan li wile weka e
ona li wile e ni: ona li tawa mama ona - la ni li pona ala pona?". jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "o kute ala e jan Kunwawa. ona li ike. o weka ala e ona. sina weka e ona la ona li pakala e nasin tawa ma tomo Uluku lon ma ni li utala e mi mute". jan Kunwawa li toki e ni: "jan Enkitu o, toki sina li toki ike li toki utala. jan lawa sina li pana e moku tawa sina. tan ni
taso la sina tawa lon monsi ona. tan ni la sina wile ala e ni: jan
Kikamesi li jan lawa pi mi kin. jan anpa o! o toki ala!".
jan Enkitu li pilin ike wawa. ona li utala wawa e jan Kunwawa kepeken ilo
utala palisa li weka e lawa ona tan sijelo ona. jan Kunwawa li anpa lon
ma. kasi suli mute li kalama sama pilin ike.

nimi suli 
[jan Kikamesi en jan Enkitu li kama jo e lawa pi jan Kunwawa li lon pini palisa e ona.  ona li tawa li lon noka pi sewi Enli e ona.  sewi Enli li lukin li toki e ni: "sina moli e ona tan seme?!". ona li toki ike tawa ona tu li toki e ni: "o seli li pakala e sinpin sina! o seli li moku e moku sina! o seli li moku e telo sina!". sewi Enli li kama jo e wawa sewi pi jan Kunwawa li tawa weka. ]

jan Kikamesi en jan Enkitu li anpa e kasi suli. jan pi ma tomo Uluku li pali poka ona. jan Enkitu li toki e ni: "sewiUtu li pona mute. mi wile pali e sinpin suli pi lupa pi tomo ona. kasi suli ni li pona mute tawa pali ni”. ona mute li anpa e kasi suli mute.  ona li kama jo e kasi suli mute li tawa telo linja Pulatu tan nena pi kasi suli. ona li wan e kasi suli mute li pali e supa tawa mute. ona li tawa lon supa ni li tawa e ona lon telo linja kepeken palisa. nasin ni la ona li tawa lon telo. tenpo suno pi mute lili pini la ona li kama lon ma tomo Uluku. jan mute li kulupu li toki e ni: "o lukin! o pilin pona! ona li jan utala pona kin!". nimi ona li suli.

Gilgamesh fights Humbaba
[Gilgamesh is the king of Uruch. Enkidu comes from the hills. Enkidu is a friend of Gilgamesh. He is a brother. He is very strong.]

Wanting strength.

Enkidu didn’t speak. He was feeling bad and cried. Gilgamesh saw him and said “Brother, why do you feel bad?” Enkidu opened his mouth and said “My arms have become weak. My strength has diminished.” Gilgamesh spoke to him and said “Go on! Let us two go to the forested hills. These hills are far from here. They are in the West. There are many trees in that country. The trunks of these trees are tall and hard. There are no trees like them in my country. But Humbaba is in the forested hills. If someone comes to these trees and wants to destroy them and wants to take them, Humbaba fights them and kills them. Humbaba is bad and very strong. I want evil people out of the country. To the mountain tops! You and I will fight him and defeat him and kill him.”

Desire for a great name

Enkidu said “Brother, the gods want Humbaba to be in that forest. Enlil wants Humbaba to kill people. If an animals travels in the forest, Humbaba can hear his sound in the distance. What person can come to that forest? Humbaba’s voice is like the sound of the might ocean. His mouth is like a furnace. The breath of his mouth is like death. Why do you want to fight this man? We cannot defeat him.”
Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu and said “My friend, who can go above the holy spirits? Only the gods don’t die. The many days of an earthly man come to an end. Men die. Some men do something. But all these things are like air. Now you feel bad because you can die. Where is your strength? Good. I will lead you. When my time to die comes, you will say this to me ‘Go. Don’t feel bad.’ If this evil person defeats me and kills me, many will say ‘Gilgamesh fought mighty Humbaba’. Often in the future, people will say ‘Gilgamesh fought mighty Humbaba in the forested hills and was killed in the battle.’ My name will be great.”

A council of wise men

Gilgamesh and Enkidu went to the plaza of the city.  King Gilgamesh said “Everybody, listen.  I want to go to mighty Humbaba and kill him.  If a man doesn’t have parent and doesn’t have a wife, I want him to go with me.”  Many men joined up with him.  Gilgamesh and Enkidu went to the weapon makers.  They made big axes and big sword and gave them to them.  Gilgamesh came to the council of wise men of Uruch and said “I want to go to Humbaba and fight him and kill him.  My name will become great.  The name of the people of Uruch will become great.”  
The wise men spoke to Gilgamesh and said “Oh king, why do you want to fight this evil man?  Your feelings are big and strong like the feelings of a child.  But your wisdom is not big.  Humbaba is ugly and very strong.  The voice of Humbaba is like the sound of the mighty ocean.  His mouth is like a furnace.  The breath of his mouth is like death.  You cannot defeat him.  Your desire is not good.”

Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu and said “My friend, when these people just say the word “Humbaba”, they are already afraid. He said “Wise men of Uruch, I am the king.  Enkidu will go with me.  He is from the hills and is big and strong.  We two can defeat evil Humbaba in the forested hills.”  

The wise men spoke to Gilgamesh and said “Go!.  May your god help you!”

The god Utu

Gilgamesh went to the house of the god Utu. He killed a young beast [lamb? kid?] and raised his hands. He said “Oh Utu, I want to go to Humbaba and fight him. I want my name to become great [to become famous?]. You are wise and good. Help me! Bring it about that I conquer this mighty person and retain my health and come back to Uruch.” But the god didn’t speak.
Gilgamesh cried. He said “Oh Utu, If I kill Humbaba, I will speak much about your goodness and make carved tablets about you.” Gilgamesh’s tears pleased Utu. He spoke to Gilgamesh and said “Gilgamesh, cheer up. I command the winds. I have hot winds. I have cold winds. I have wet winds. I have sand storms. I have arctic blasts. I have tropical blasts. Go to the forested hills! Fight Evil!”
Utu gathered many winds into a cave in a rocky hill.

The goddess Ninsun

Gilgamsh spoke to Enkidu and said “Friend, come with me. Go to the palace of my divine mother. “
Gilgamesh led Enkidu to the home of the goddess Ninsun. He went into the hous and said “Mother, I want to go to evil Humbaba and kill him. Speak well of me to the god Utu.” 
Ninsun washed her body and dressed in beautiful clothes. She put a necklace on her neck. Ninsun went to the temple of Utu and raised her hands and said “Utu, you hate all evil. My child wants to defeat evil. Gilgamesh wants to defeat mighty Humbaba. Help my child!” 
Ninsun spoke to Enkidu and said “You are a friend of Gilgamesh. You are a brother to my son. Enkidu, you are my child.” She said “My child, go with Gilgamesh. Help him. Fight every evil with him”. Ninsun spoke a powerful blessing and gave Enkidu a necklace.

The road to the forest

They came to go. Gilgamesh led. He had a big ax and a big sword. Enkidu came behind Gilgamesh. He also had a big ax and a big sword. A large troop came behind Enkidu and had axes. They went to the road to the forested hills. 
By day they traveled. They went very far from Uruch. When night arrived, they dug a well of good water. In the morning, they poured out a little of the good water to Utu. The god saw it and was pleased. In the morning they went to the road to the forested hills and went much farther from the city. At night again they dug a well of good water and poured a bit to the god.

Gilgamesh sleeps

They came to a pink mountain. Gilgamesh spread good flour on the ground and said “Oh hill, give me good sleep.” Night came. Gilgamesh and Enkidu lay down. They held the hands of their brothers and slept. Gilgamesh awoke violently and said “Enkidu, did you speak to me? Did you touch me? Why did I wake up? I was asleep and saw this: I was fighting a mighty beast. It moved it feet rapidly and stirred the gravel. So the air was dark. My arm was weak. I could not defeat it. A stranger came to me and gave me a drink. It was good.”
Enkidu said “My friend, your dream is good. Humbaba is strange looking and strong looking. But he is not like this mighty beast. The mighty beast of your dream is Utu. At the time of the battle, he will help us. Your parent also will give you water. That is king Lukapanta.”

The forest

Day came. They went up the hills and came to the edge of the forest. The stood still and did not speak. They only looked at the many trees. They saw that the trees were very tall. There was a good trail in the forest. Humbaba often traveled on this path. His feet made this path. The heat of the sun cannot get into this forest because the trees are very tall. This darkness is cool and pleasant. 
They went into the forest. Gilgamesh looked and said “These are good trees” He got an ax and felled a tree. Enkidu trimmed away the branches from this tree.

Divine force

Humbaba heard the noise and felt very angry. He shouted “Who comes to my country and destroys my trees?” Humbaba hurled a divine force at that noise. This divine force was like air and like light. It moved like a linear instrument of death. Gilgamesh was knocked down and unconscious. Enkidu was unconscious. The other people from Uruch were unconscious like little good beasts [apparently a particular kind, but I don’t know which one. Sheep?] Enkidu came to. There wasn’t a sound. He touched Gilgamesh with his hand. Gilgamesh did not move. Enkidu shuted “Gilgamesh, Brother. How long have you been asleep?” Enkidu shook him and shouted at him. Gilgamesh opened his eyes and looked up. He said “Damn! Is this an earthy man or a divine one?” Enkidu said “Humbaba is very strong. Friend, don’t go to this man. Let us go away from this country. Go to Uruch.” Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu and said “I want to see this man and fight him. Cheer up!. Two men cannot die. You and I can conquer him.”

The battle comes 

The god Utu said to Gilgamesh. “Don’t delay. Humbaba wears only one divine force. He has many divine forces at his home. If you wait, he can put on all the divine forces. Go!”
The two ran to the house of Humbaba. Humbaba went to it. Gilgamesh shout “I am Gilgamesh, king of the city Uruch. Evil Humbaba, die!” He wanted to fight Humbaba with a sword. Enkidu also came to the battle with him. But he could not fight him. Humbaba ran away from the path of the weapons. His voice was like the sound of the ocean. His mouth was like a furnace. When he fought, the earth shattered. The mountains moved. The air became dark. Gilgamesh felt bad and cried. He said “Oh, he is very strong. I cannot vanquish him. Oh Utu, help me”

Many winds

Utu heard the plea of Gilgamesh . He released the many winds from inside the cave in the rocky hill. The hot wind battled Humbaba. The cold wind battled him. The wet wind battled Humbaba. The sand storm battled him. The arctic blast battled Humbaba. The tropical blast battled him. Many winds battled Humbaba. He could not move. Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu could go to him and fight him with their weapons. 
Humbaba stayed. His face became handsome. He said “Gilgamesh, listen to me. Oh mighty kind, do not kill me. I do not know my parents. The mountains are my parents. The god An wanted me to fight and kill people if they destroyed these trees. Don’t hate me. I want you to be my king. I surrender my trees and give them to you. Don’t kill me. Send me away.”

The death of Humbaba

Gilgamesh stopped feeling angry at Humbaba. He spoke to Enkidu and said “if a man gets a little bird and wants to release it and wants it to go to its parents, isn’t this good?” Enkidu said “Don’t listen to Humbaba. He is evil. Don’t release him. If you release him, he eill destroy the road to Uruch from this country and fight us.” Humbaba said “Enkidu, your speech is evil and belligerent. Your king gives you food. Only for that reason do you follow him. O you don’t want Gilgamesh to be my king too. Underling, be quiet!” Enkidu was furious. He fought fiercely with Humbaba with a sword and removed his head from his body. Humbaba fell to the ground. The trees made a mournful sound.

A big name

[Gilgamesh and Enkidu took the head of Humbaba and put it on a long pole. They went an placed it at the feet of Enlil. Enlil looked and said “Why did you kill him?” He cursed the two of them and said “May fire destroy your walls [faces?]. May fire eat your food. May fire drink your water.” Enlil took Humbaba’s divine force and went away.]
Gilgamesh and Enkidu felled the trees. The people of Uruch worked with them. Enkidu said “Utu is very good. I want to build a big door for the entrance to his temple. These trees are good for that job.” They felled many trees.  They got many trees and went from the wooded hills to the rive Pulatu. They joined the trees and made many rafts. They traveled on these rafts and moved them on the river with poles. Thus they traveled on the water. A few days later they came to Uruch. Many people came together and said “Look! Rejoice! They are warriors indeed.!” There name was great.


Unknown said...

Toki! Mi tu o

I'm blown away by this translation! I'm still working my way through reading the whole of it, but right away it's clear that you have a very real talent for the language and for understanding and appreciating the source text at a level necessary for a meaningful translation.

I've only just started delving into Toki Pona earlier this week but already I can quickly see the claims of being fast to learn are absolutely true, which truly surprised me because it was at odds with what I had discovered with Esperanto and many other conlangs that claim this. But even at my level I can see that a great deal of effort went into this translation, and I'm extremely thankful for the material. I've been struggling in vein to find a good source of Toki Pona literature and this is simply amazing.

I've toyed around with a lot of languages in my life and I always was deeply fond of using portions of Gilgamesh as a translation challenge. I always thought, being the oldest known epic in human history, that it was more fitting than anything else. I was always a big disappointed to find that I was the only one doing this, or so I thought!

Thank you for the work and I am really looking forward to reading through the rest of your posts and hopefully interacting with you again in this community. Also, I thought it was an interesting choice to transliterate as "Kumwawa", personally I prefer "Kumpapa" but I guess it's fairly arbitrary either way.

Unknown said...

Hello John! Won't you put more tp texts?

I am planning to return my toki pona learning.

Best Wishes,


Kaliputra said...

My focus nowadays is on the corpus in Googe docs, which will contain (virtually) all of the tp text since 2009. There is a good deal of quality material there, but it is currently very disorganized. However, dropping any where will get you to something interesting fairly quickly.

truonghieunghia said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

An Thái Sơn với website chuyên sản phẩm máy đưa võng hay máy đưa võng tự động tốt cho bé là địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng giá rẻ tại TP.HCM và giúp bạn tìm máy đưa võng loại nào tốt hiện nay.