Monday, May 16, 2016

toki pi jan lawa Kikamesi *180*

jan Kikamesi li jan lawa pi ma tomo Uluku
ma tomo Uluku li lon. sinpin pi ma tomo Uluku li sewi li suli. sinpin ni li kiwen. tomo Enana li tomo pi sewi meli Inana. sinpin pi tomo Enana li kiwen. sinpin ni li walo sama suno. o tawa tomo pi sewi meli Inana! o lukin! jan ante li pali ala e tomo sama. jan lawa ante li pali ala e tomo sama. jan seme li kama pali e ali ni? jan Kikamesi li jan lawa pi ma tomo Uluku. ona li kama pali e tomo sewi ni e sinpin ni. ona li suli. jan Kikamesi li utala sama soweli wawa. ona li pakala e sinpin kiwen. ona li lawa e kulupu pi jan utala ona. ona li jan lawa. jan seme li ken sama ona? jan seme li ken toki e ni: 'mi jan lawa'?
sewi meli Ninsun en jan lawa Lukapanta li mama ona. taso sewi mama Alulu li pona e sijelo ona. wan ona wan li jan. wan ona tu li sewi. ona li suli li pona lukin. jan Kikamesi li wawa li sama sewi. jan ala li wile utala e ona.
jan pi ma tomo Uluku li pilin ike tan jan Kikamesi. jan mute li tawa tomo pi jan sewi li toki e ni: "sewi o! jan Kikamesi li suli li sona. ona li wawa. nimi ona li suli. jan Kikamesi li kulupu e mije la ona li lawa e jan ni tawa utala. tan ni la mama mute li pilin ike. jan Kikamesi li jan lawa pi pona ala anu seme? jan Kikamesi li kama jo e meli li unpa e ona. tan ni la mama mute li pana e telo oko". jan Kikamesi li jan lawa pi pona ala anu seme?".

jan soweli Enkitu
sewi li kute e ni. sewi An li lawa e sewi. ona li toki e ni tawa mama sewi Alulu: "tenpo pini la sina pali e jan. o pali e jan wawa sin. o pali e jan pi sama jan Kikamesi. mi wile e ni: ona li utala e jan Kikamesi. tan ni la jan pi ma tomo Uluku li ken awen pona.

mama sewi Alulu li telo e luka. ona li kama jo e ko telo li pana e ijo ni tawa ma supa. nasin ni la jan Enkitu li kama lon. jan Enkitu li suli li wawa. sijelo ona li jo e linja mute. ona en soweli li moku e kasi anpa. ona en soweli li moku e telo. jan Enkitu li jan soweli. ona li sona ala e ilo e tomo e jan ante.

jan pi alasa soweli
jan pi alasa soweli li lon ma ni. ona li pali e lupa ma suli. soweli li tawa insa lupa la jan ni li ken kama jo e ona. jan li pali e ilo alasa kin. ona li kama jo e soweli li moli e ona. taso jan soweli Enkitu li pakala e lupa ni e ilo ni. ona li kama e ni: soweli li ken tawa weka.
jan pi alasa soweli li lukin e jan Enkitu wawa li pilin ike li wawa ala pilin. ona li tawa weka li tawa mama ona. jan pi alasa soweli li toki e ni: "mama o, jan soweli li kama tan ma nena. ona li suli li wawa. jan ala li wawa sama ona. mi pilin ike. ona en soweli li moku e kasi anpa. ona en soweli li moku e telo. tenpo ali la ona li pakala e lupa ma mi e ilo mi. mi ken ala kama jo e soweli tan ona".
mama li toki e ni: "jan lili mi o, jan Kikamesi li lon ma tomo Uluku. jan ala li wawa sama ona. o tawa! o kama tawa ma tomo Uluku. o toki e ijo pi jan wawa ni tawa jan Kikamesi . jan Kikamesi li pana e meli unpa Sanka tawa sina. tenpo kama la jan Sanka li anpa e jan soweli ni kepeken unpa.”
jan pi alasa soweli li kama tawa ma tomo Uluku. jan Kikamesi li kute e ona li toki e ni: "jan pi alasa soweli o kama jo e meli unpa Sanka pi tomo pi jan sewi. tenpo kama la ona li kepeken nasin meli tawa jan soweli ni. tenpo lili kama la soweli pi jan ni li tawa weka tan ona".

meli pi tomo pi jan sewi
jan pi alasa soweli en jan Sanka li tawa ma supa. tenpo suno pi mute lili pini la ona li kama lon ma supa. ona li awen. tenpo suno sin la soweli en jan soweli Enkitu li kama. jan soweli Enkitu li moku e telo e kasi anpa poka soweli. telo en kasi anpa li pona tawa ona.
jan Sanka li lukin e jan soweli Enkitu li kama tawa ona. meli li weka e len sama. jan Sanka li pilin e luka pi jan soweli Enkitu. meli Sanka li unpa e mije Enkitu. mije Enkitu li unpa e meli Sanka. tenpo suno mute la ona li unpa. tenpo pimeja mute la ona li unpa. ona li pini unpa la jan Enkitu li lukin tawa soweli. taso soweli li pilin ike tawa ona. tan ni la soweli li tawa weka. jan Enkitu li wile tawa soweli. taso ona li wawa ala pilin. ona li ken ala tawa wawa.
jan Enkitu li kama pilin e ni: ona li ken sona. jan Enkitu li pilin e ni: 'mi ken sona. mi pilin. mi jan'. ona li kama tawa jan Sanka li anpa. ona li lukin e sinpin ona li kute.
jan Sanka li toki tawa jan Enkitu. ona li toki e ni: 'jan Enkitu o! sina sama sewi. sina tawa poka soweli tan seme? o kama.'
jan Enkitu
jan Sanka li tu e len ona. ona li len e jan Enkitu kepeken len wan. jan Sanka li toki e ni: 'o kama poka mi. o kama tawa kulupu jan'.
ona li tawa tomo pi jan pi lawa mani. jan mute pi lawa pi mani mute li kulupu li lukin e jan Enkitu li toki e ni: 'ona li suli sama jan Kikamesi. ona li wawa sama suno pi sewi An'. ona li pana e pan e telo nasa jelo. jan Enkitu li moku ala. ona li lukin wawa taso. tenpo ala la ona li lukin e pan e telo nasa. jan Sanka li toki ni: 'jan Enkitu o moku e moku ni. o moku e telo ni. ni li nasin jan'. jan Enkitu li moku e pan mute. ona li moku e telo nasa jelo mute. ona li pilin pona mute. ona li telo e sijelo ona. ona li len. jan Enkitu li jan kin. jan pi lawa mani li lape la jan Enkitu li lape ala. ona li kama jo e ilo utala li utala e soweli ike. jan pi lawa mani li ken lape pona.
sitelen lape pi jan Kikamesi
jan Kikamesi li lukin lape. ona li pini lape li tawa mama meli. jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: 'mama o! tenpo pimeja la mi jo e sitelen lape. mi lukin e mun lili mute lon sewi mi. mun pi sewi An li anpa lon poka mi. mi wile sewi e kiwen ni. taso mi ken ala tawa e ona. jan pi ma tomo Uluku li sike e mun ni. mi anpa tawa ona sama ni: mi anpa tawa meli. mi toki e ijo ni tawa sina tawa ni: sina ken pana e sona pi sitelen lape ni.
mama pi jan Kikamesi li sona e ali. sewi Ninsun li sona e ali. ona li sona e sitelen lape ni li toki e ni: 'mije lili mi o! sitelen lape sina li ni: tenpo kama la jan wawa li kama tawa sina. ona li wawa sama mun pi sewi An. tenpo kama la ona li pona tawa sina. ona li pana e pona tawa sina li utala e jan ike sina. ona li jan sama sina. sina olin e ona sama meli olin. mije lili o! sitelen lape sina li pona li suli".
jan mije olin
jan Enkitu li tawa e oko li lukin e ni: jan mije li tawa noka. jan Enkitu li toki e ni: 'jan Sanka o, mi wile e ni: jan ni li tawa weka. tan seme la ona li tawa?'. jan Sanka li toki e ni: 'jan ante o, sina tawa tan seme? sina sama lukin jan pi pilin ike. sina pilin ike tan seme?'
jan mije li toki tawa jan Enkitu li toki e ni: 'tenpo lili kama la mi  en meli olin mi li wan. taso jan Kikamesi li jan lawa. a! ona li wile unpa e olin mi. tenpo pimeja pi kama wan la jan Kikamesi li unpa e olin mi. nasin pi kulupu pi jan sewi li ni: tenpo pimeja pi kama wan la jan lawa li ken unpa e meli pi jan ante".
jan Enkitu li pilin ike wawa tan toki pi jan ni. ona li toki e ni: 'mi tawa ma tomo Uluku! jan Kikamesi li unpa ala e meli sina'.
jan Enkitu en jan Sanka li tawa ma tomo Uluku.
jan Enkitu li tawa lon nasin pi ma tomo Uluku. jan Sanka li tawa lon monsi ona. jan Enkitu li lon supa pi ma tomo. jan mute li kulupu lon poka ona li toki e ni: "jan ni li kama tan ma nena. ona li wawa. ona li suli sama jan Kikamesi". jan Enkitu li kama tawa tomo pi jan olin. ona li awen lon sinpin pi lupa pi tomo ni. ona li awen e noka ona lon sinpin pi tomo ni.
jan Kikamesi li kama. taso ona li ken ala kama tawa insa tomo. ona li pilin ike wawa. jan Kikamesi li kama utala e jan Enkitu. jan Enkitu li utala e jan Kikamesi. ona tu li utala. poka pi lupa tomo li tawa! ona li utala wawa. poka pi lupa tomo li pakala! ona li utala sama soweli wawa. sinpin tomo li tawa!
jan sama tu
jan Kikamesi li pini e ike utala wawa ona li pini utala. jan Enkitu li toki tawa ona li toki e ni: 'jan Kikamesi o! jan ala li sama sina. sina wawa sama sewi. mama sewi sina li kama e ni: sina wawa. sewi Enli li kama e ni: sina jan lawa. jan Kikamesi o pini pali e ike tawa jan pi ma tomo Uluku. ona li jan ike ala tawa sina. sina jan lawa pi jan ni".
jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: 'toki sina li sona li pona. sina suli li wawa. sina taso li ken toki e ni: sina suli sama mi. jan ante ala li ken toki e ni. o kama jan sama mi!". jan Enkitu li toki tawa jan Kikamesi li toki e ni: 'sina jan sama mi kin!'. jan Enkitu li uta e jan Kikamesi. jan Kikamesi li uta e jan Enkitu. ona tu li kama jan sama kin.

tan jan Ote 
jan Ante 
jan Mali
jan Kipo


Kaliputra said...

'ma tomo' "built-up place" city [idiom]
'jan lawa' "head person" king, ruler, commander [idiom]
'sewi meli' "emale divinity" goddess [idiom]
'tomo sewi' "god house" temple [idiom]
'kama pali' "come to make" build, cause to be built [idiom]
'soweli wawa' "strong animal" wild beast [idiom]
'jan utala' "war people" soldiers [idiom]
'kulupu pi jan utala' "group of soldiers" troops [idiom]
'sewi mama' "ancestral god" ancient god [nonce]
'pilin ike' "feel badly" feel bad: are sad, unhappy, angry, frightened [idiom]
'jan sewi' "god people" gods (alternates with 'sewi' to avoid some confusions) [idiom]
'telo oko' "eye water" tear [idiom]
'pana e telo oko' "emit tears" cry [idiom]
'kama jo' "come to have" get [idiom]
'jan soweli' "beast man" wild man [nonce]
'lupa ma' "dirt hole" pit [nonce]
'wawa ala pilin' "not strong in feeling" feels, weak, helpless. [nonce]
'meli unpa' "sexual woman" prostitute (here priestess) [idiom]
'tenpo kama la' "in the coming time" in the future [idiom]
'mute lili' "small quantity" few [idiom]
'tenpo suno' "light time" day [idiom]
'tenpo suno sin la' "om a new day" the next day [idiom]
'tenpo suno mute la' "on many days" for many days [idiom]
'tenpo pimeja' "dark time" night [idiom]
'kama pilin' "come to think" realize [idiom]
'lukin wawa' "look strongly" stare [idiom]
'tenpo ala la' "at no time" never [idiom]
'pilin pona' "feel well" feel good' happy [idiom]
'ilo utala' "war tools" weapons [idiom]
'sitelen lape' "sleep picture" dream [idiom]
'lukin lape' "sleep see" dream [idiom]
'pana e pona' "give a good" help [idiom]
'mije/meli olin' "love man/woman" lover, sweetheart [idiom]
'sama lukin' "visually the same as" look like [idiom]
'kama wan' "become one" get married [idiom]
'jan sama' "same person" sibling (or cousin, here brother) [idiom]

Kaliputra said...

The Story of King Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh is the king of Uruk

The was the city of Uruk. The walls of Uruk were high and thick. These walls were stone. Enana was the temple of the goddess Inana. The walls of Enana were stone. These walls were white as the sun. Oh, go to temple Enana. Look! Another people did not build buildings like this. Another king did not make buildings like this. Who had all this built? Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk. He had these tall buildings and these walls built. He was great. Gilgamesh fought like a wild beast. He destroyed stone walls. He led his troops. He was king. Who could be like him? Who could say "I am the king"?
The goddess Ninsun and King Lugulbanda were his parents. But creation goddess Aruru improved his body. One part of him was human; two parts divine. He was large and good looking. Gilgamesh was strong like a god. No one wanted to fight him.
The people of Uruk felt bad because of Gilgamesh. Many people went to the temples and said "Oh, gods! Gilgamesh is great and wise. He is strong. His name is great. When Gilgamesh gather the men, he leads them to war. So many parents are sad. Isn't Gilgamesh a bad king? Gilgamesh snatches women and has sex with them. So, many parents cry. Isn't Gilgamesh a bad king?"

Enkidu, the wild man.

The gods heard this. An led the gods. He spoke thus to the creation goddess Aruru: "In the past you made a man. Make a new mighty man. Make a man like Gilgamesh. I want him to fight Gilgamesh. Thus the people of Uruk can live in peace.
Aruru wet her hands. She got clay and flung this stuff on plain. In this way , Enkidu came to be. Enkidu was big and strong. His body was covered with hair. He and the beasts ate grass. He and the beasts drank water. Enkidu was a wild man. He did know about tools or buildings or other people.

The hunter

There was a hunter in this country. He dug big pits. If a beast fell into the pit, he could catch it. He made snares, too. He caught beasts and killed them. But Enkidu destroyed his pits and his snares. He caused the beasts to be able to get away.

The hunter saw mighty Enkidu and felt bad and weak. He left and went to his father. The hunter said "Father, a wild man has come from the mountains. He is big and strong. Nobody is as strong as him. I feel bad. He and the beasts eat grass. He and the beasts drink water. He always destroys my pits and snares. I can't catch any beasts because of him."

His father said "My child, Gilgamesh is in Uruk. Nobody is as strong as him. Go!. Come to Uruk. Tell Gilgamesh about this wild man. Gilgamesh will send the temple prostitute Shamkat to you. Later, Shamkat will defeat this wild man with sex.

The hunter came to Uruk. Gilgamesh listened to him and said "Hunter, take the temple prostitute Shamkat Later, she will use her feminine wiles on this wild man. A little after, his beasts will leave him."

ad beasts. The herdsmen slept peacefully.

Kaliputra said...

The temple woman.

The hunter and Shamkat went toward the plain. After a few days, they arrived at the plain. They waited. The next day, the beasts and the wild man Enkidu came. Enkidu ate grass and drank water with the beasts. He liked water and grass.

Shamkat saw Enkidu, the wild man, and went toward him. She discarded her clothes. Shamkat touched Enkidu's arm. Shamkat seduced Enkidu. Enkidu had sex with Shamkat. For many days, they had sex. For many nights, they had sex. When they finished having sex, Enkidu looked toward the beasts. But the beast were distrustful toward him. So the beast went away. Enkidu wanted to go to the beasts, but he felt weak. He could not run.

Enkit realized that he could understand. Enkidu thinks: "I can undeerstand. I think, I am a human being" He went to Shamkat and bowed down. He looked at her face and listened.

Shamkat spoke to Enkidu and said "Enkidu, you are like a god. Why do you go with beasts?. Come."


Shamkat cut her clothes in two. She dressed Enkidu in one portion. Shamkat said "Come with me. Come to human society."

They went to a camp of herdsmen. Many herdsmen came together and looked at Enkidu and said "He is as big as Gilgamesh. He is as strong as the sun of An." They offered bread and beer. Enkidu didn't eat; he only stared. He had never seen bread or alcohol. Shamkat said "Enkidu, eat this food; drink this drink. This is the human custom." Enkidu ate a lot of bread. he drank a lot of beer. He felt very good. He washed his body. He got dressed. He was really human. While the herdsmen slept, Enkidu did not sleep. He got weapons and fought b

Gilgamesh's dream.

Gilgamesh dreamed. He awoke and went to his mother. He said "Mother, in the night I had a dream. I saw many stars above me, The star of An fell next to me. I wanted to lift this stone, but I couldn't move it. The people of Uruk surrounded meteorite. I bowed to it jst like I bow to women. I tell you about this so that you can explain this dream."

Gilgamesh's mother knew everything. The goddess Ninsun understood everything. She interpreted this dream and said "My son, your dream is this: a mighty man will come to you. He is as strong as the star of An. You will like him. He will help you and fight your enemies. He will be your brother. You will love him like a sweeheart. My son, your dream is good and important."

The lover.

Enkidu looked around and saw a man walking. Enkidu said "Shamkat, I want that man to go away. Why is he wandering?" Shamkat said "Stranger, why are you walking. You look lie a man who feels bad. Why doi you feel bad?"

The man spoke to Enkidu and said "In a little while, I and my beloved will wed. But Gilgamesh is the king. Alas, he want to have sex with my beloved. On the wedding night, Gilgamesh will have sex with my beloved. This is the custom of the gods: on the wedding night, the kind can have sex with another man's wife."

Enkidu was furious because of the man's story. He said "I am going to Uruk. Gilgamesh will not have sex with your wife."

Enkidu and Shamkat went toward Uruk.


Enkidu traveled on the road to Uruk; Shamkat traveled behind him. Enkidu was in the plaza of the city. Many people gather around him and said "This man comes from the mountains. He is strong. He is as big as Gilgamesh. Enkidu came to the ouse of the bride. Hestayed in front of the door of that house. He rested a foot on the wall of that house.

Gilgamesh came. But he could not get into the house. He was furious. Gilgamesh stated to fight Enkidu. Enkidu fought Gilgamesh. The two of them fought. The frame of the door trembled! They fought wildly. The frame of the door shattered! They foughtlike wild beasts. The walls of the house shook!

Kaliputra said...

Two brothers

Gilgamesh finished his wild fury and stopped fighting. Enkidu spoke to him and said "Gilgamesh, no body is like you. You are as strong as a god. Your parents made you strong. The god Enlil made you king. Gilgamesh, stop abusing the people of Uruk. They are not enemies of yours. You are their king."

Gilgamesh said "You advise is wise and good. You are big and strong. Only you cn say that your are like me. No other person can say this. Be my brother." Enkidu spoke to Gilagamesh and said "You are my brother, too." Enkidu kissed Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh kissed Enkidu. The two became brothers indeed.